1. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
Haritaki is so named because it grows in the abode of Hara (the Himalayas ); it is green (Harita) in the natural colour and it cure (harayet) all diseases.
Varieties : Jivanti, putana, amrta, vijaya, abhaya, rohini and cetaki- these are the seven varieties of haritaki.
Significance of the Names & Characteristics of Different Varieties
Jivanti : Because of its life-promoting (jivana) effects,it is called jivanti.
it is golden in colour & useful in all types of diseases.
Putana : Because of purifying (pavana) effects , this variety is called putana.
it has a bigger seed & is useful in pralepa (external application).
Amrta : Because of ambrosia -like (sudhavat) properties, it is called amrta.
it has 3 dalas (segments) & it is useful for purgation.
Vijaya : Because it endows the user with victory (vijaya) {over disease}, it is called vijaya.
it is like a tumba (elongated gourd) in shape. It cure all diseases.
Abhaya : Because it take away fear (abhaya) [of diseases], so this variety is called abhaya.
it has 5 angas (parts or segments) & it is useful in eye-diseases.
Rohini : Because it exceeds in the therapeutic utility (gunarohat), this variety is called as rohini.
it is round in shape & it helps in healing the ulcer.
Cetaki : Because of conscious-promoting (cetana) property, it is called cetaki.
it has 3 angas (part or pieces). it is useful in recipes used in the form of powder (curna).
Use in Different Seasons
- In summer season, haritaki should be used with equal quantity of guda (jaggery).
- In rainy season, it should be used by adding the sufficient quantity of saindhava (rock-salt).
- During autumn ,haritaki should be taken with equal quantity of purified sarkara (sugar).
- In the beginning of winter ,it should be used with sunthi (dry-ginger powder).
- In late winter, it should be taken by adding pippali (long- pepper) powder.
- During the spring season, it should be used with honey.
Attributes : Ununctuous & laghu (light).
Potency : Hot
Vipaka : Sweet
Action : Digestive stimulant.
Specific Action : Laxative, rejuvenating and aphrodisiac.
Therapeutic Usage
Cures svasa (dyspnoea), kasa (cough), prameha (obstinate urinary disorder including diabetes), arsas (piles), vaisvarya (hoarseness of voice), grahani (sprue syndrome), vibandha (constipation), visama jvara (irregular fever), kandu (itches), kamala (jaundice) and many more.
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